St. Quentin Sur Isère - Poking Around Europe 6.0 - CycleBlaze

June 2, 2019

St. Quentin Sur Isère

Marooned in Paradise

We went to bed unsure about what we would do today. We woke up this morning and while enjoying breakfast on the terrace overlooking the pool in the most amazing weather we just laughed. How had there ever been any doubt?  Why would we ride to Grenoble...we know what it looks like on a Sunday...when we could stay in this gorgeous spot?  As Keith points out for 48 Euro no less. Best deal of the trip. Why it is so cheap we have no idea. 

The only problem here, other than the derailleur of course, is slow wifi and data. We have decided we can cope. I am sitting overlooking the pool, in the shade, writing this.  The wifi is better than in the room. 

Our good fortune continues too. The golf pro’s wife owns a bike shop 20 km down the road that is open tomorrow and has technicians. Keith spent some time this morning working on the bike and feels he will be able to make it 20 km. Good old barrel adjusters. 

He also suggested a test run ride this afternoon, but he disappeared for a club fitting, and didn’t reappear for quite some time. He really enjoyed himself. I finished the painfully slow process of getting yesterday’s pictures downloaded while he bonded with his French golf pro Vincent. 

So no bike ride, but a good hike up to an ancient tower. We are now installed by the pool, have both had a swim and cocktails are available. Life is pretty amazing. 

La Tour. It was quite a hike up in the sunshine. It was such a tempting target.
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No one else anywhere near. That makes it even more interesting.
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Looking back up at the tower.
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Stealth shot Keith took of me at the pool before he joined me. I had commandeered his baseball cap. Actually a golf hat so I fit right in.
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Then he came down and we were seeking shade. This was our outlook from under our umbrellas. The were a couple of little boys having so much fun. It was so entertaining to watch.
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Then, in my rudimentary French I ordered two small beer. I got two enormous ones. That worked out well!!  Keith decided to see if beer helps his putting. 

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It does! That ball is about to go in the hole!
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Keith has just told me we should sell the bikes and spend the next two weeks here while he works on his game.  I think he is joking. I will let you know tomorrow. 

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Rachael AndersonI’m so sorry about your bike problems. Hope you can get it all fixed up. I’m hoping to get a bike shop to look at my brakes today.
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5 years ago
Scott AndersonI wondered if hanging around the pool a bit longer might have some appeal. Exercise is so overrated!
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5 years ago