Day 30: Kirksville to Quincy - Peter across the US 2023 - CycleBlaze

June 4, 2023

Day 30: Kirksville to Quincy

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2000 miles!

Started this day anxiously as I’d struggled the day before and not had a comfortable night.

Rode to the SAG with Mark, managing fine at a steady pace. There was a slight breeze that kept the temperature down and the terrain did not roll as much. Tried to drink a lot and had some jellies at 16 miles.

Despite that I was cooked at the SAG and had to find some shade. Tried to eat a pie but the pastry solidified in my mouth. Had grapes and a Gu instead, with lots of water.  Stopped at a gas station six miles later for an iced mocha that revived me a bit, then made steady progress to mile 52 where Paula and Peyton gave me another Gu and more water.  Rode the rest of the way on half a pack of blocks. I crawled the last part of the ride from the river.

Not sure what’s happening.  Heat may be stopping me refuelling, so I keep running out of energy.

Ride was pleasant enough, with more farmland. I felt a distinct change in the air as we approached the river. Headwinds and big roads detracted from the river plain. Downtown Quincy was post-industrial but some bigger places as we climbed the hill through.

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Steve ParkerWell done you - that is some achievement.
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1 year ago
Hugh MonroKeep it up, clearly the heat is have an adverse effect on your ride but you’ll manage.
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1 year ago
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Today's ride: 76 miles (122 km)
Total: 2,073 miles (3,336 km)

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