To Barcelona - You lead me away from home, just to save you from touring alone - CycleBlaze

May 25, 2022

To Barcelona

We could think of no better way to start our last day on Mallorca than omelets and tomatoes at the Alcudia Restaurant. We spent part of the morning reorganizing all our stuff  and pushing everything back into into our panniers. It would sure be nice if all we needed to tour was a couple of pairs of shorts, some t shirts and a bathing suit and leave behind the additional jackets, vests and long pants. With the bags completely full we checked out of the Ivory Playa for the last time and lugged our overweight panniers across the street to our bike storage. After thanking the staff at the bike shop we headed out on the street at 11 am.

We really enjoyed our stay at the Ivory Playa. It was cooler today and threatening rain.
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We parked our bikes in front of the restaurant and were surprised that we we the only customers. Our waiter was ready for our usual order and with a minimum of dialog he was off. We  tried paying the 12 euro bill with a 50 euro note but we were asked for a smaller bill. Together we scrambled together  a 5 euro note and 4 euros in coins. Scott offered the 50 or the lesser amount and with a laugh  and a shake of the head he took the 9 euros. It was just that kind of place. When we return to Mallorca one day  we will finish paying our bill!

On route to the ferry terminal we picked up a couple of sandwiches at a restaurant and arrived at the Transmed counter at 12:15 for a 2 pm departure. We were sadly informed that the ferry would be late and to come back at 2pm as the exact departure time was yet to be determined. Quick thinking, we asked if we could have a refund as another ferry, the Balearia line, was leaving at 1 pm. We were told a refund was possible due to the delay and we quickly bought tickets from the competing carrier. Very pleased with ourselves for arriving early to check in we boarded the ferry and maintained our 7 pm planned arrival in Barcelona.

There is a road up top of the point that takes you all the way to Cap Formenter.
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Cap Formenter
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Once the coastline of Mallorca is behind you the journey to the mainland is on open ocean. We spent the time trying to sleep and wandering about the ship. Six hours later we docked and readied our bikes to ride away but in a series of very confusing instructions we were told we would have to wait....for a bus! Seemed strange as we stood by and watched all the trucks drive off the ship. Eventually a full size bus pulled onto the ship and turned around in its cavernous  belly. The cargo bays of  the bus were opened and  five cyclists and one scooter struggled to get our fully loaded bikes on board. Then all the walk on passengers arrived pushing their suitcases into the hold. It was quite a show! With all on board the bus, the process was now becoming clearer that our berth was likely over a kilometre out along the various docks before we reached the shore. As there were no road markings showing a route, it would be very confusing for cyclists to find their way and totally impossible for foot passengers. 

Waiting to board the ferry.
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A French couple we met at the ferry. They flew from Toulous to Palma and toured on their bikes around Mallorca. Tourers are a rare sight on the Island. They will now cross the Pyrenees on route back home. It was comforting to have someone else with us during the bus loading debacle when arriving in Barcelona.
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Big industrial sized ferries.
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Huge bellies take seven semis across.
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But no room for bikes. We were told to put our bikes in the tool area. We have no idea where the other two cyclists bike were stored!
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We entered Barcelona via Las Ramblas, the famous street in Barcelona  and carried on almost in a straight line to the Silver Aparthotel in Gracia for three nights. It was now dark and almost 10 pm when we finally arrived in our  room. Scott ran out to a nearby store for some breakfast items and we called it a day.

Moving along Las Ramblas. It is very busy in the evening. We were over dressed! It was a warm night.
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As our cycling will only be around Barcelona when we are there, we have decided to now bring this journal to an end. Thank you for taking the time to read about our adventures and for all the wonderful comments. We feel so very fortunate that our health has allowed us to take on the challenge of this tour and fingers crossed we will be back on Cycleblaze this fall.

Today's ride: 10 km (6 miles)
Total: 1,139 km (707 miles)

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Angela NaefLoved following along, thanks for sharing your journey!
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2 years ago
Brad SharpWow ! What a journey ! Loved every part of it. I originally planned to read it every afternoon so I could have a beer with you but I couldn't wait that long so I had a coffee with you every morning instead. Your photos really allowed us to experience the beauty of rural France. Thanks for taking the time to do the journal. Enjoy Barcelona !
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2 years ago
David MathersGreat journal Scott and Pat! I bet it feels pretty busy being back in the city. We’re just up the road in Girona and there is a wine festival, live bands and people everywhere. Tomorrow we cycle up to lake Banyoles. Glad we had a chance to meet on Mallorca. Looking forward to the song title of your next journal.
Take care. Dave and Scott
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2 years ago
David MathersI meant Anne…I can’t type and talk at the same time!
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2 years ago
Barry DevlinThanks Scott & Pat for sharing. Can't wait to read about the remaining 49 places to ride before you die. Happy Birthday again, Scott. Surely this was a memorable way to celebrate this milestone event!
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2 years ago