Final days - Canadian Maritimes June 2023 - CycleBlaze

June 27, 2023 to June 28, 2023

Final days

Alas - yesterday was the final day on bikes. The rain and showers continued on a trail not in great shape and we did not have s road alternative. Nancy, Ken, Cal, and I stayed with the van. The others rode the 30 miles on a trail that did improve but also had some rain and did get wet.  We stayed in quite an old Victorian B&B - yes, another one - that was amazing. The owner also collects antique cars and spent some time with us showing them off. Our dinner and meeting was sad as it’s our last night all together. Both Margarets leave tomorrow/the end of the trip. The remaining eight will spend one night in Goffs at the motel that serves the airport and where our cars are. It was somewhat fitting that the weather forecast was for pouring rain most of the day and we all agreed e we did not want to ride 56 miles and end up soaking wet so we all rode in the van for a final shuttle. This has been a trip impacted by weather. In 28 days I think we only rode in about 4 sunny days and toured in about 2 more. Nothing can be done about the weather. As I sit here writing this it is pouring out my window. I’m glad not to be on my bike!

But that being said let me say that this has been a great trip!!  We’ve spent four weeks together with a group of people I know and love. Through all the decisions about to ride or not to ride, to change routes, to add just a section of shuttle I never heard one complaint. It’s been a challenge for Ken and Nancy to respond with up to 12 of us through uncertain conditions and I know we all really appreciate their effort. THANK YOU BOTH! And Cal driving van and trailer through all that fog and rain, helping us move our stuff in rain or shine,  and being the techno wizard who kept us all in touch with each other,  we also say THANKS! 

So that’s it until our next trip when I get to share a ride with all the white hairs (and perhaps a young driver)! So long!!

People We Meet: Paul - a local rider Margaret met along the trail. He was so helpful with good info about the trail, the area, and what all Margaret told him about this journal, took his pic, and asked me to add him to People We Meet. So Paul, thank you for all your help and sharing what you know with Margaret. She passed it on to the others and they wound up with a good day on their bikes.
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Jim ConboySafe travels home Cindy and John. Cindy thanks again for taking me along, I did manage to stay drier than any of you. I especially enjoyed a quote one of the group, Hope I think, attributed to John, "sometimes you are the windshield, sometimes you are the bug"!
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11 months ago
stan rosenstielI enjoyed your descriptions of the trip. very sad about the rain. We are having drought or near drought here. I hope to cycle with you soon.
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11 months ago