Moline to Annawan - Six weeks on the Great American Rail Trail plus!2022 - CycleBlaze

May 15, 2022

Moline to Annawan

The Hennipen Canal Trail

Great Day!!! Cool with tail wind and a lovely trail most of the day! We started out with a five mile ride along the Mississippi on the River Trail, then a section of county roads, and finally onto the Hennepin Canal Parkway Trail. It was mostly paved with some areas of unpaved but pretty well maintained trail for a total of 27 miles. 

An interesting band along the way!
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At the start of the Hennepin Canal Parkway Trail
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Uh oh! Water over the trail. Nancy had sent a text saying we could ride through it. She started early and was ahead of us.
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I went through first and got the group I was riding with coming through led by John.
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Our lunch stop was across the canal. Here are two of the riders heading out after lunch.
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And this was the lunch stop. I took this as we were back on the trail side after lunch.
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I took this to give a flavor of the trail. We went through a trail tunnel and the canal went through its own duct.
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Today's ride: 41 miles (66 km)
Total: 523 miles (842 km)

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