Des Moines to Marshalltown - Six weeks on the Great American Rail Trail plus!2022 - CycleBlaze

May 9, 2022

Des Moines to Marshalltown

Operative word of the day - WINDY

.All day a constant wind of 20 mph with gusts up to 30/35. The result was we had to hang on to our bikes all the time. Some of the turns we had side winds, some head winds, and at the end tail winds which were very cool. 

Almost all 70 miles were on some really nice paved bike trails. We had one situation with a tree that had blown down across the path and we had to lift our bikes over it. That is not an easy task with a 45lb E-bike. But the day was good - good trails and sunny.

Trails are generally well marked. Here I am pointing out where we are on this trail!
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These pretty white flowering trees appeared all along the trail. Maybe a small apple tree. They looked like apple blossoms.
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Love the artwork along the trails. This is just one example.
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Love this sign!
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We were on this trail for 29 miles. All these photos were taken along this trail.
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Iowa is clearly a state that cares about it's bikers and their trails. I love it when the trail is paved and crosses a road that is only dirt!
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We love the water towers. You can see them from miles away and they are a clue that a town will be coming up.
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Cute family of geese!
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Today's ride: 70 miles (113 km)
Total: 257 miles (414 km)

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