Cedar Rapids to West Branch - Six weeks on the Great American Rail Trail plus!2022 - CycleBlaze

May 12, 2022

Cedar Rapids to West Branch

Still really hot! 40 miles felt like 80

Nancy led the whole group of us out of Cedar Rapids. It was fun with the whole group of us stringing out behind her. Then at 8 miles we got on a trail for 8 miles and everyone headed along at their own paces.

We were near the end - 2.5 miles to go and found Chuck, Stan, and Dave settled in on a grassy spot under a big tree. We joined them for a time of rest and cooling off and then headed down the road to our B&B. A big lodge like house. John and I had a room decked out with a violet bedspread, there was a huge Christmas tree in one corner (photo to come), Sharon and I cooked dinner (spaghetti, salad, bread, angel food cake with yogurt and chocolate syrup), and it was cool!

Looking back at the city of Cedar Rapids.
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This is an example of the amazing bike paths in parts of Iowa. It was so fun to ride them.
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And an example of the beautiful views we had on this ride.
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This was the five of us (I'm taking the pic) cooling off and resting before the last 2.5 miles of this very HOT day.
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This was the Christmas tree at the B&B!
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Today's ride: 44 miles (71 km)
Total: 420 miles (676 km)

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