Ferry to Genova Italy - A Grand 3 Month European Tour on an E-Tandem - CycleBlaze

June 6, 2018

Ferry to Genova Italy

Excuses, escuses!

(We are struggling getting to the journal: poor internet that won’t load photos, being too busy in Barcelona, no internet on 18 hour ferry trip, and being knackered from riding up the mountains from Genova. Last night after an incredible ride from Genova, we ironically had internet but we were too tired to  get to work. It will happen though. Stay tuned.)

Well, we have internet, so here goes. There is lots to catch up on. 

We have really enjoyed staying in Barcelona. We would have liked a bit more time here, but Barcelona will wait for us to return sometime in the future. 

We spent much time before coming to Barcelona, researching accomodation that fit our budget, was in the right location and most  importantly had secure storage for our bike. We wrote several hotels to ask about bike storage, and no one responded!! We gave up and decided to wing it. As usual, that is the best way for us as we always seem to chance upon the right place. Hotel Antibes Acte was an excellent choice for us. The location was good, the price was right and the garage was secure. Check for all three, and the bonus was we really liked the friendly staff who made our stay great. 

Up early and off for a final ride in Barcelona before getting to the Port to wait for our ferry to Italy. yeah!!

Great hotel in the heart of Barcelona, reasonably priced, comfortable and a great team. Thanks Raquel and the rest of the team.
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Ready to have a final ride through Barcelona to the Port for our ferry connection to Genova Italy. We have to pinch ourselves that our planning has come together and we made it to Barcelona.
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The staff at Antibes were excellent, made us feel welcome and at home.
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What a pretty sight from our window: bikes lanes keeping cyclists safe. Barcelona has made a strong effort in the past 10 years to make it one of the top 11 bike friendly cities in Europe, and that is saying something.
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Charmaine RuppoltWonderful Barcelona has made such efforts to keep cyclists safe! I was there in 2006, and there was none of that.
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10 months ago
Cycling is a big deal here with many people riding for pleasure and for commuting.
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The front of our hotel
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Heading to the ferry - and it is only 5 km. Here the ride is simple, but along the famous touristic Rambles strip it got crazy, but at the area near the Port, we had to be fearless and confidently hold our space on the road. It was crazy busy.
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We’ve arrived at the ferry and are in line. We were really impressed with the creative packing with everything you can imagine. One car even had the kitchen sink on the roof.
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Charmaine RuppoltWow, that's incredible all that that van had on top!!! Yikes!
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10 months ago
And here we are, waiting with the big boys (motorcycles) to board our ferry, “Excellent” of the GNV Line.
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We were the only bicycle on the ship, so they put us on the deck with big freight trucks and the motorcycles were on a different deck. Makes sense, I guess.
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Seavo’s neighbours for the 18 hour trip to Italy.
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Love looking at these vehicles and their belongings creatively packed. They are bound for Morocco (or Tunisia) on a different ferry.
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Charmaine RuppoltWow, I see that that van was not the ONLY one who piled a ton of stuff on top of their vehicle!!
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10 months ago
A Spanish sea gull considering emigrating to Italy.
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Leaving Barcelona
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Two cruise ships were in dock as we left.
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There is a unique sense of excitement and anticipation embarking on a sea voyage.
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A cemetery on the hillside
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We have an outside cabin with a bathroom and shower for our trip. It is surprisingly comfortable and spacious.
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Today's ride: 7 km (4 miles)
Total: 2,229 km (1,384 miles)

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Steve Miller/GrampiesAll good excuses for not being up to date, and we are really glad that none of them involve accidents, illness, or other catastrophes.
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5 years ago