Day 1: Baltimore Airport to Annapolis - Younger on Two Wheels 2023: Chesapeake Bay to Chicago - CycleBlaze

June 24, 2023

Day 1: Baltimore Airport to Annapolis

In which I begin my journey

So this was going to be half-a-day. I had to return the car to Baltimore Airport before starting. 

The drive from Chincoteague up to Baltimore was uneventful....and boring. I was awakened at 4am and 5:30 by others in my group leaving, so I was pretty tired.

I turned in the rental car, and put the luggage on the bike. Here it is, ready to roll:

The Teal Tank, ready for another adventure
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I had adjusted my route to go around the north side of BWI - there is a bike trail that completely encircles the airport. When I first saw that, I was a bit shocked - who wants to ride their bike with planes roaring overhead and having to cross lots of busy roads? was actually pretty nice! Just half-a-mile from the rental-car terminal, I was greeted by this:

BWI Trail
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This had a good overlook spot where you could see the whole airport - unfortunately they were taking off and landing on the OTHER side. So not much to look at.

Highest point on the BWI loop trail around the airport. Planes were taking and landing off on the other side, or it would look more interesting.
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A mile later I got caught in a short shower - just enough to make me wet, but not enough to bother with the rain-jacket. I stopped under a tree but then found I was being watched!

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The rest of the trail was a pretty standard suburban trail, winding through neighborhoods. The rain held off, which was nice.

B-A Trail
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Eventually, I saw Annapolis over the Severn River.

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I got to the top of the bridge over the Severn and snapped a few pictures. I had thought I would try the drone here, but the non-stop traffic and proximity to the Naval Academy made me think I would have issues, possibly legal ones. So I held off.

Maryland State Capitol
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Looking East to Chesapeake Bay
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Annapolis is an interesting town (to me). Lots of historic buildings and homes, jammed into a very small downtown area. Also lots of circles and one-way streets - I think tourists find it hard to get around. And there were a LOT of tourists! Saturday in June - I should have realized, but wasn't really prepared.

A cute street with lots of small homes
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Maryland Capitol Building - I couldn't see the top for all the trees.
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Better shot of the top
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I got to my hotel, cleaned up, then grabbed some crab-cakes at a local pub. I may not see these again for a while - they aren't the same freshness and quality in other parts of the country.

Tomorrow, I'm headed to Washington DC.

Today's ride: 26 miles (42 km)
Total: 26 miles (42 km)

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John PescatoreYou were on my home turf! Typical prevailing winds usually have the planes landing from the south or the west. If you took the counter-clockwise around BWI you would have went through a small park with close-in great landing viewing opportunities.
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11 months ago
John AydelotteGood to know - I took the clockwise route because it added a few miles to get my total for this ride up to an even 1,000.
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11 months ago