Day 29 - Duluth - Viking Quest ~ 2023 - CycleBlaze

Day 29 - Duluth

Day 29 - woke up to a foggy and misty Moose Lake.  The sunrise eventually shines through as I packed up.

The dew was like a layer of honey on my tent this morning.
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Then the sunrise....
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TODAY's ROUTE - Headed out of town on the Willard Munger State Trail - Trail Link - approximately 45 miles to downtown Duluth.  I was scheduled for an overnight with  host Douglas, who lives in West Duluth. The trail passes his home and he offered to let me hang there overnight.   

Images from the trail:

The Munger Trail is wonderfully paved and pretty. Fall is coming so I saw a lot of yellows and greens.
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Not much on the trail as far as services, but I did find a cool Country Store; this guy greeted me.
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The big stop was about 25 miles in at Magnolia's Cafe in Carlton. I love cafes with character, this one had it.
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Almost stayed too long, forecast was for rain 1 pm 40-percent....
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Coming out of Carlton I snapped a few images - I think this part of the Munger was the most scenic.

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RAIN.... As I approach Duluth detour signs pushed me off the trail and onto a busy road.   Then, the skies started to darken and thunder could be heard in the distance.  I immediately thought seeking shelter would be a good idea.  The first thing I saw was a glass bus shelter and I pulled in.

It proved wise because minutes later it started to lightning and pour buckets!  

It worked, we stayed dry!
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After that cleared, my final 1.8 miles for the day was getting to Doug's.   Doug had left his home open for me since he was at class.  How kind and thoughtful. 

I arrived shortly after 4 pm, and parked the bike in the garage and organized a few things - like drying my tent of the morning dew.  Then, a quick shower. 

Doug came rolling in as promised and we immediately bonded.   (We are both Pisces, who'd guess right).  

What an evening, Pisces chatting about everything under the sun.  Doug looked at my routes and gave me some great insite on what I could expect along the way.  Doug loves Minnesota and you can tell.

My friend, it was cool to hear you say, "....I know you can do it...."  You are really inspiring.   I also love your outlook on life and about doing what makes you happy. 

Clearly you believe in what you say and I wish you many more adventures too; take that new adventure van and get-r-done!!!

Chef Doug handmade two pizzas for dinner....and they were good!!!
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Tamora StumPizza looks yummy Doug!
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8 months ago

Today's ride: 39 miles (63 km)
Total: 706 miles (1,136 km)

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