When we were two little boys - CycleBlaze

When we were two little boys

Re-riding our youth - 50 years later

By Leo Woodland
1,909 km (1,185 miles) over 24 days between Apr. 20, 2012 and May 13, 2012
When we were two little boys heart 6
The capital of Holland is Amsterdam - official heart 3
Waving to the Queen and at concrete cows heart 3
Big night out for the filth: (Bergerac-St Eutrope) heart 5
Vote dirty old man for president: (St-Eutrope - Matha) heart 2
A nation decides and I take a nap: (Matha - Fontenay-le-Comte) heart 5
Expecting nothing, getting more: (Fontenay-Les Herbiers) heart 4
Making it to the North: (Les Herbiers - Nantes-Brest canal) heart 5
Mon dieu! Such shocking language, monsieur!: (Nantes-Brest canal - Rennes) heart 2
A day at the sea: (Rennes - St-Malo) heart 2
Cast into the Petersfield pit: (Portsmouth - Crowthorne, Berks) heart 4
Sleeping with posh people: (Crowthorne - Bricketwood, Herts) heart 4
End of the overture...: (Bricketwood - Milton Keynes, Bucks) heart 6
The opera begins: (Milton Keynes - Culham, Oxfordshire) heart 6
Travel? Why travel?: (Culham - Winchester, Hants) heart 10
Deep in the forest, something stirred: Winchester - Swanage (Dorset) heart 2
Heading for skittles and cider: (Swanage - Litton Cheney) heart 4
Going up and over: (Litton Cheney - Cheddar, Soms) heart 4
Of Gorges and Georges: (Cheddar - Clearwell, Glos) heart 3
Eery predictions of imminent gloom: (Clearwell - Bidford-on-Avon, Warks) heart 4
Simply glad to be alive: (Bidford-on-Avon - Bletchingdon, Oxon) heart 2
Madam, I present your husband: (Bletchingdon - Milton Keynes) heart 6
Heading for the coda: (Milton Keynes - London) heart 3
Think of me as your garden gnome: (London - Bethersden, Kent) heart 2
Back to where it all began: (Bethersden - Folkestone) heart 2