Day 40 Connellsville to Pittsburgh - Two Far 2016 - Florida to Ontario: A Round Trip - CycleBlaze

July 10, 2016

Day 40 Connellsville to Pittsburgh

We were back on the trail today, headed to Pittsburgh. We have almost completed the GAP. There are a few more miles tomorrow into downtown. After that, we'll be back to road riding for most of the time.

The Gap trail surface is in very good shape, but we did have a couple of trees down across the path this morning. Our captains did their part to make one place passable.

Our captains being good trail citizens
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Making a clearing for cyclists to pass
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The way has been opened
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The GAP was busy today with lots of local riders. We didn't see many cyclists who appeared to be touring.

This is the "Red Waterfall" It is evidence of Acid Mine Drainage from abandoned coal mines. The water becomes toxic from sulfuric acid.

The red waterfall
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Coming into the Pittsburgh area, we rode through remains of the city's industrial past. There are huge abandoned steel factories along the Mongahela River. The trail was busy and required close attention in this area, so we didn't stop for any pictures.

We are staying at Homestead, which was the site of a deadly labor confrontation in 1892. This labyrinth was built by an artist near the site.

The Homestead Labyrinth
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Captain's navigation test. He passed. My captain declined testing.
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Today's ride: 52 miles (84 km)
Total: 1,958 miles (3,151 km)

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