Day 69: Tangier, NS to Liscomb Mills, NS - Two Far 2017 - Florida to the Canadian Maritimes - CycleBlaze

July 5, 2017

Day 69: Tangier, NS to Liscomb Mills, NS

It was warm! It was sunny! We were smiling!

Beautiful water views today
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We had blue sky all day long!
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Our road view today. There was very little traffic
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Actually, we needed something to smile about this morning. The place we stayed last night wasn't very nice - dingy room with uncomfortable bed and no amenities, except we did have WIFI. It advertises as a B&B, but it's just very basic sleeping space for people going on sea kayak trips with these folks. I had asked about laundry and the owner said yes, but there would be a charge. Of course I'd pay to use her washer and dryer, but I should have asked how much. When we went to pay this morning, the charge for my one load was $15!!! Live and learn, but we were happy to leave the Paddler's Retreat.

Our ride was nice today. We had almost no traffic and nice views of the water along the way. We had fun talking to people at our rest stops. We met Floraella and her husband in Sheet Harbour. She was as big a talker as Kerry and I, so it was like a party at our table.

Entering Sheet Harbor, we crossed over the West River. If had a very fast current that ran over big rocks which made for a very nice scene.

The West River at Sheet Harbour
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The West RIver
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We planned our next stop at Port Dufferin. If any of you reading this are looking for information on cycling through here, don't stop at the Dufferin Variety and Pizza. The owner was really rude and unfriendly. He acted offended that we asked for a restroom and was snide and sarcastic when we tried to ask where the nearest public facilities would be. We learned later at the next village that he has a reputation for being unfriendly, so at least it wasn't just us. The good thing about that experience was that we then stopped in Moser River, we met great people. We weren't sure if we would find a store, so we stopped at post office to ask to use their restroom. There we met Betty Lou, postmistress and delightful person. Thanks for your kindness. We enjoyed meeting you, Betty Lou!

Jeanna and Bettty Lou
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Just past the post office, we did find a store, so went in for a drink. I have to make an admission here. Coke is often absent in local stores. Pepsi is everywhere. We have actually started drinking Diet Pepsi on occasion. This was one of those times - no Coke, so Diet Pepsi it was. While we were having our Pepsi and chips, we had a nice talk with the owner. He and his wife have had the store for 25 years. We had a great time talking with them. I'm sorry that I didn't get their names.

Gizmo's owners
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We finished our ride through a couple more little villages. This seemed to be a yard for derelict boats.

Derelict boat
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This could be an old factory fishing boat
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Our lodging tonight is very nice. This is the view of the Liscomb River from our porch.

The view of the Liscomb River from our porch this afternoon
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We've had some awesome seafood in Nova Scotia, but the pub special here at the lodge tonight is chicken wings and beer - that's our plan for the evening. Tomorrow, we're going to Sherbrooke Village, a living history settlement.

Today's ride: 51 miles (82 km)
Total: 2,830 miles (4,554 km)

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