Day 103: Berthierville, QC - Two Far 2017 - Florida to the Canadian Maritimes - CycleBlaze

August 8, 2017

Day 103: Berthierville, QC

We've been out exploring the little town of Berthierville today. It seems to be mostly a working class town. There is an old center city that appears to be largely abandoned. The newer businesses and our hotel are clustered at the TransCanada highway exit. We found a marina on the St. Lawrence River with a small municipal park that was very pretty.

Berthierville marina
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Berthierville marina
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We also came across this covered bridge. The information sign is in French only, so a few of you will able to read it, Without looking up any words, I think the gist of it is that there was a covered bridge first built here in 1883 and after various changes over the years, the last bridge was closed in 1977. It was rebuilt and reopened in 1996 with lots of community support and involvement. My Francophone friends can let me know if I got that part right.

Grandchamp Bridge near Berthierville
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Inside bridge
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History of the covered bridge
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Tomorrow we're skirting around the northeast side of Montreal on what we hope will be safe and pleasant roads. One advantage of getting closer to cities is the frequent opportunities for Diet Coke purchase:) I hope we are done with the long stretches with no services.

Today's ride: 10 miles (16 km)
Total: 4,129 miles (6,645 km)

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