Jacques Fontaine to Swift Current - Tea for Tim - CycleBlaze

September 1, 2012

Jacques Fontaine to Swift Current

Today was a classic example of why Newfoundland has passed Quebec as my favourite Canadian Province, although the food isn't as good as Quebec's.

Sharon made a huge pot of coffee and boiled a kettle for washing whilst Brent made french toast, whilst we had a feast sheltering from the wind beside Bob and Sharon's trailer.

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It was another great days cycling across quiet roads with great company, tail winds and great hills, reaching speeds in excess of 50mph 3 or 4 times. The average speed for the day was 15.5mph, the likes of which haven't been seen since the prairies.

Emily, Brent, Kate and I.
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We hoped to camp at the Kilmory Resort Trailer Park, but they were full, and not interested in accomodating 4 smelly cyclists. They did however let us shower and do some laundry. We left looking for a wild camping spot, and were diverted by Norman's Chip Stand. After gorging on home cut chips I asked Norman about possible camping spots nearby, and he suggested that we should camp on his grass. He and his wife Regina were, as almost all Newfies are, super friendly, and make a trip to this Island a must.

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Today's ride: 53 miles (85 km)
Total: 7,305 miles (11,756 km)

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