Deer Lake to Corner Brook - Tea for Tim - CycleBlaze

August 23, 2012

Deer Lake to Corner Brook

Yesterday whilst waiting for the laundry I picked up a magazine to read, and it had an article about the "Average Canadian's Statistics", and "Are you average". It listed the average Canadian male waist size as 38", which seemed a bit on the large size. Last night I watched a resident of the campground get in his pick-up truck and drive 60 paces (yes, I did measure it) to drop off some rubbish (trash) before returning to his trailer (caravan). Maybe 38" is a bit on the small size!

Kate's back, although she has some strange ideas on headwear after her time spent in Brenda's company.
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That took place after meeting Kate at the airport, helping to reassemble her bike, then going to the campground. She has finished riding with her friend Brenda, and as her only available friend in the area, she decided to join me in the last leg of her trip - to St John's. As neither of us are big fans of the Trans Canada Highway, we have decided upon a slightly non-conventional route to get there, which first involves going to Corner Brook. Again!

Although this gravel section was fun to ride, the surface quickly deteriorated to an almost unrideable surface of large stones.
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After a short distance on the Trans Canada, Kate suggested that we join T'Railway, a path on the disused railway track. Little did I know that it would become one of her infamous "long cuts", in time if not distance. The surface quickly deteriorated from tarmac to gravel to stones the size of plums, which although fun to ride on, was hard and very slow going. After 3 or 4 miles of this we took a steep boggy and rough track to join the highway again, which seemed heavenly until we came upon a section that was being planed (it wasn't like this on Monday when I last rode this section).

View from the roadside whilst approaching Corner Brook.
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We called it a day at the Kinsmen Prince Edward Campground where after a snooze (away from the traffic noise of the TCH) we did some planning - of sorts. Because we will shortly be catching a ferry which only runs once a week, on Thursdays, there is no immediate rush to get miles in, so it's time for a holiday!

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Today's ride: 35 miles (56 km)
Total: 7,046 miles (11,339 km)

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