Walkin' on sunshine - The Adventures of Garfield and Tango - CycleBlaze

September 13, 2021

Walkin' on sunshine

Coeur D'Alene Trail - take 5

This morning we drove over to Saint Maries to do laundry. It was a little stressful as it was very busy and no one was wearing a mask. We had to wait for the employee to clean out the washers we needed. She said they were "gross" and I did shake out a few pieces of bark when I was putting away things in the trailer. I guess from the loggers working here.

We tossed our clothes in and then walked across the parking lot to the Harvest Foods store. Initially we were just looking for local wild rice (which we found!) but ended up buying a number of items. 

It was a very well stocked little store with good prices on some things. There is also an IGA located here so if we camped at Heyburn in another year, we likely won't need to drive to Coeur D'Alene to restock.

By the time our clothes were dry, it was time for lunch. Don had initially said we would be interested in doing a ride on the tandem, but changed his mind. He's got a few things to do to help us get ready to leave tomorrow. But he was willing to drive me to the trailhead at the bridge so I could ride my own bike.

Ok, I was up for that! It was a gorgeous, day out and I didn't want to waste it putzing around home. 

What a GREAT day for a bike ride! Sunny and warm, with a light breeze and CLEAR AIR!!!! I wish we could have had these kind of conditions the entire week we were here.

The trail was quiet today for some reason but I did see 6 trikes and one tandem. More people were on non-electric bikes, including the guy on a hand trike that walked with a cane. 

As I climbed the bridge, I was passed by a heavy set woman riding an e-assist bike. Whatever.... But I passed her a little later taking a break and smoking a cigarette. Does anyone else see what's wrong with this picture?!

I enjoyed my ride along the lake, although I had thought that since it was flat, I could get up a good head of steam. But going north, it felt like I was going slightly uphill and there was a breeze in my face. 

I figured that when I turned around, that I would be going downhill and have a tailwind. But that didn't happen at all! It still felt like I was going uphill into a breeze. Wierd!

My route took me just north of Harrison, past the ponds where we saw the moose the other day, but none were out today, athough I did see several scrawny deer. I turned around here since I only had a limited time to ride before Don was going to pick me up. 

I was soon back at the bridge, and huffing and puffing, made it to the top. There were 11 stairsteps on both sides. The way they were designed, you climb a little, then it levels a bit before you climb up the next "step". Going down feels like a roller coaster! Wheeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

Don was waiting for me at the trailhead. I would have loved to have gotten in a longer ride, but my feet a bit sore from the constant pedaling. Plus I had been trying to push the speed. 

Back at camp, it was nearly time for dinner and a quiet evening. Tomorrow we head further south.

Sorry for the duplicate pictures from yesterday and the 2 osprey pics. I could not get the CB delete picture function to work at all. VERY frustrating!!!!!!!!

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Hail to the trikes, Kathleen!
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Kathleen JonesBe still my beating heart! Thanks, Marilyn.
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2 years ago
There several of these cuts in the rock along the trail.
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Just another beautiful day on the lake!
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Apples, apples everywhere..........but maybe not safe to eat next to the trail? Tempting, though.
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Finally saw this osprey on a nest! We thought they might have migrated south.
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These orange rose hips caught my eye. So colorful!
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Hey - it's Bambi! But not Bullwinkle, sigh..........
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I saw this artist working on a painting of these scenic boat garages.
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Today's ride: 19 miles (31 km)
Total: 882 miles (1,419 km)

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Kathleen JonesGlad you finally had some clear air.
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2 years ago