Travel Day Part II. - Summer in Slovenia 2023 - CycleBlaze

July 19, 2023

Travel Day Part II.


The next leg of our journey went smoothly.  Despite a 3o minute delay in Montreal, we were off for the 8 hour flight.  What was especially fantastic about this flight was the fact that we were able to purchase premium economy seats for a great price that was hard to pass up.  Otherwise, we would never have been able to afford it.  We were ecstatic about having more room and wider seats, and even a nice meal for this rather long flight.   Then, our luck and good fortune were surprisingly anted up!  

Waiting for take-off in Montreal. Our flight path shown on the screen. Going to be a long flight. A gift from the cycling gods found us in the Air Canada business class pods. How we deserved such good fortune, left us scratching our heads. A glass of sparkling wine before take-off? I don't see why not.
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Sue accidentally discovered during booking that we had Air Canada credits.  We're really not sure how we acquired them, but the credits meant that there was a possibility that we get upgraded to business class!  Thinking this was a complete long-shot, we arrived at the gate with no expectations, and really thought nothing of it.  Imagine our surprise when Susanna received at text about 20 minutes before boarding informing us that we had been upgraded to business class.  It felt like we had won the lottery.  Like Bob Ross, the TV painter says, “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.”

We were certainly spoiled during this flight, and knew that having this opportunity was as rare as a Canadian two-dollar bill.  Nonetheless, we again thanked our lucky stars and were grateful for this unexpected upgrade.  Because the seats recline to full horizontal beds, we were both able to get a little sleep along the journey.  It was fantastic, I must admit.  But, we also knew that sitting at the front of the bus was something that would likely not happen again! 

Our first glimpse of Venice on our final approach .We started our trip from here last year. We're not going into Venice this time.
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Not too worse for wear after a long travel day.
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Christy McTaitHappy couple, aka a happy cycling couple ❤️
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10 months ago

Once we collected the bikes and panniers, we schlepped our stuff out of the airport, and were backslapped by the oppressive heat.  We watched cab after cab pass us by, as each driver mimed with outstretched arms indicating that our baggage was too big; and we thought to ourselves if this was going to be another occasion when we have to take two cabs to solve a problem?  Then, with another stroke of good luck, a van-sized cab rolled up.  This was the first cab of this size that we had seen during our half-hour wait.   We were zipped away toward Mestre, a short 20 minute cab ride away.

Please let the bikes be okay. A combination of 35 degree weather and jetlag makes this assembly unpleasant.
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After collapsing for an afternoon nap, it was time to assemble the bikes.  All went smoothly.  Nothing dented, scratched, no warped brake rotors, no bent quick-releases.  The only sinking feeling that I got during assembly was when I couldn't find the front thru-axel for Sue's bike.  In my jet-lagged fog, I forgot that I had left it screwed into her front fork.  Phew.

Assembly goes as planned. No issues, and ready to roll.
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We forced ourselves to get up, and get out for a walk around town.   We found a place to sit under an umbrella in Piazza Ferretto with a water mister and enjoyed our first Aperol Spritz of the trip.  We sat and watched the parade of humanity, clinked glasses and toasted to the beginning of another tour.

Out for a look around Mestre, after an afternoon nap.
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Piazza Ferretto, Mestre.
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Piazza Ferretto, Mestre.
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It was as delicious as it looks!
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Christy McTaitThe food and drink commentary and photos are always appreciated 😁
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10 months ago

We enjoyed an excellent meal at Fratelli La Bufala and walked back to our room full and weary.  Tomorrow we are off to Udine via train.  We will be spending one night in Udine before the cycling begins.

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Suzanne GibsonHappy to see you back on the continent! Have a good trip! Buon Viaggio!
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10 months ago
Patrick O'HaraTo Suzanne GibsonHi Susan. Thanks a lot. Are you on the road at the moment?
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10 months ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Patrick O'HaraHi,
Not on the road now, but we have the first two weeks of August planned in Czechia.
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10 months ago
Rachael AndersonHow great to get upgraded to Business class!
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10 months ago
Patrick O'HaraTo Rachael AndersonHi Rachel. It was a stroke of good luck alright, and really amazing for this long haul flight. We know this will likely never happen again 😞. Sadly.
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10 months ago