Days P15-21: Vancouver Successes - One For the Books - CycleBlaze

January 31, 2020

Days P15-21: Vancouver Successes

The border shenanigans meant that the bus pulled away and I was left to take a cab in order to make my next fitness class.  Fortunately it was not so far away.  Despite all that happened, it was the right call to make.  The class went awesome.

Over the next week I stayed with family and it was a very good time.  Some good shopping was done, and I managed to renew my drivers license as well as drop into the bank to unblock my debit card from that branch.  That was the final banking success needed to ensure full international cash flow capacity.  Soon it would be time for some actual biking.

The trip back home was the best thing I could have done at the time.  There was no way to know this, but it would be the last time I would see my father.  He passed away around three years later while international travel restrictions were still happening in China.

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