Day T44: Choose Your Own Adventure Gone Wrong - One For the Books - CycleBlaze

March 17, 2020

Day T44: Choose Your Own Adventure Gone Wrong

Countries around the world are closing borders and restricting movements, etc.. you don't need for me to tell you that.  No option at this point will be without risk or be safe, so I have to keep that in mind.  Whatever choice I make is going to have drastic and life-changing implications and there is no time to choose carefully.  It truly is a choose your own adventure gone wrong.

I decided to head to Chiang Mai.  It is hot which is the key.  I know people there, and it's the place I'll be seeking professional advice from a life coach I have contacts with.  There won't be much time for lengthy sessions so I'll make the most of whatever I can schedule in before they shut down that counseling center or run sessions online.

[Update November 2022]:  At the time this whole online replacement for everything was brand new to me and I was philosophically opposed to it anyway.  Unfortunately as the pandemic went on I had no choice but to adapt to this new reality. 

When all these other countries lock down, maybe the hope is that the virus can be contained like what China is trying, but I have my doubts.  

All the fitness and recent partying in recent days has been enough, besides at this point I don't see much options for that anymore.

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