Official Poll: Minnesota Finishes Among Top 45 American States For Bicycle Tourism - It Can't Be THAT Unpleasant - CycleBlaze

August 26, 2023

Official Poll: Minnesota Finishes Among Top 45 American States For Bicycle Tourism

Now For the Bad News

Southwest Sector of Minnesota Ranked Least Popular in the State

Given the impromptu nature of this tour, I don't have a lot of options as to WHERE I can tour.  Basically, I'm limited to my home state of Minnesota or the neighboring state of Wisconsin.  I toured Wisconsin last year, so that's out.  I've also previously toured through the most scenic and most popular parts of Minnesota:  The Mississippi River Corridor, the St. Croix River valley, the North Shore of Lake Superior, the ACA's Northern Tier route, the Superior National Forest, and the edges of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.

Assuming I want to see something new, which would be a pretty good assumption, it seems the only unexplored cycling territory I have left is the southwestern part of the state.  (GASP!)  Almost nobody on earth has ever made that corner of Minnesota a destination for a bicycle tour before.  In a way, I get it.  What's there besides corn fields, soybean fields, farm towns, and an endless flatness?  I'm not sure, but it's my business to find out.  I'm confident there will be something fun to discover. 

Greg Immediately Loses "Winging It" Cred

The very fact that I have a pre-determined direction of travel knocks me down a couple of notches.  I have a turn-around point in mind too.  Worse than that, I admit to having looked at a few maps.  Finally, I'll have time limitations.  I have to be back home in about two weeks for The Feeshko's birthday, a possible meeting with some Cycleblazers, and to drive down to Iowa to take my dad to his monthly medical appointments.  It seems like a bona fide "winging it" style of touring is pretty tough for me to achieve at this time.

I do have a couple things going for me though.  I have no hard and fast rules, no set route, no reservations, no focus, no idea what I hope to accomplish--other than simply taking advantage of a small window of opportunity, getting out on the road, worshipping at The Church of the Great Outdoors, touring locally, and having some fun.

Transport Has Been Arranged

The transportation of me and my bike to the starting point is all set, and it won't involve taxi cabs, buses, bullet trains, passenger jets, or interplanetary spaceships.  It WILL involve the effort of rolling my bike out of the garage though.

That's one of the nice things about touring locally.  There is no need  to endure the logistical nightmare of packing up your bike for airline travel, and there will be none of the stress involved in waiting to see if your bike shows up with you . . . undamaged.

No doubt, every Cycleblaze reader is wondering, "where the bloody hell is southwest Minnesota?" I hope this map will clear things up.
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Nancy GrahamSigh. I feel some of your pain as I know how attached you two were to each other. I have aleady said it, but need to say it again here… you and Diggity were both fortunate to have each other and to share such love. That of course does not make it any easier to lose him at any time. You maintained Diggity’s dignity by letting him go so not to suffer more pain and immobility. Cheers to you Greg. Enjoy a peaceful bike journey with Diggity on your shoulder.
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9 months ago
Rich Harrell"What's there besides corn fields, soybean fields, farm towns, and an endless flatness?"

That sounds kind of familiar! :)

Looking forward to your tour!
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9 months ago
Rich HarrellTo Rich HarrellPS: There IS the Pipestone National Monument
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9 months ago
Bill StoneTo Rich HarrellAnd Blue Mounds State Park in Luverne...with bison. Been there.
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9 months ago
Rich HarrellTo Bill StoneHey Bill!
Been catching up with your arm issues cropping up again -- certainly not what needs to be repeated. :(
Best wishes for just a minor reoccurrence this time.
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9 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Nancy GrahamAs always, I appreciate your kindness, Nancy.
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9 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Rich HarrellPipestone National Monument! Thanks for stealing my thunder, Rich. LOL
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9 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Bill StoneBlue Mounds State Park! Thanks for stealing my thunder, Bill. LOL
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9 months ago
Bill StoneTo Gregory GarceauSorry, Pope Greg. Please forgive me. I just automatically assumed that Blue Mounds State Park was well known to everyone all around the globe as one of the wonders of the universe, at least after I passed through and wrote about it for an adoring, worldwide audience. (Slightly sensationalized.)
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9 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Bill StoneThanks for sharing that link. I remember reading that post, but now it makes me look forward to the park even more than I did before. I really like bison. When I get there, I hope to out-sensationalize you by a mile.

P.S. I hope that arm gets better quickly.
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9 months ago