Day 5: Montpelier to Burlington - Sea to Sea - CycleBlaze

May 14, 2022

Day 5: Montpelier to Burlington

Another hot day, but with excellent scenery and relatively few hills. The tights and sleeves came off after 2.5 miles, while on River Road following the Winooski River downstream.  Dexter, on his road bike, caught up to me and rode with me for about 10 miles.  We chatted about my adventure, the great road conditions, and the rides he has done.  His bucket list for rides includes Cadillac and Mount Lemmon.  

After we parted, I pulled out on the thoroughfare of Rte. 2.  The shoulder was wide and traffic light.  I cranked out the miles into Burlington and followed segments of the Cross Vermont Trail through the congested areas east of town.  Thanks for that guidance, Larry! The route connected  with the Champlain Trail along the lakeshore.  When I turned onto that, I enjoyed the gentle breeze and 15 degrees lower temps!  It was an easy, pleasant ride to niece Tasha’s house.  What a pleasant afternoon with her, Jamie, and family.

Heading to New York on Sunday.

The Round Church, Richmond VT, built 1812-1814
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One of the many bike paths in Burlington.
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The Champlain Trail follows the lakeshore. The cool air was refreshing
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Threatening skies, but it didn’t rain.
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Jamie, Evelyn, and Tasha. At first Evy was shy, but we’re big buddies now!
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Cheryl MarvinneyThanks for taking care of Bob! Nice pic.
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2 years ago
Laurence BeckerBob
Glad you found some of the really good spots on the cross Vermont trail with a stop by the iconic round church. Good speed on your journey.
Larry and Kate
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2 years ago

Today's ride: 47 miles (76 km)
Total: 292 miles (470 km)

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Dexter HodgemanBob it was my pleasure to meet you and join you on River Rd. from Waterbury to Richmond, VT. You’re adventurous spirit and can-do attitude are motivating! Safe journeys!
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2 years ago
Darcy WhittemoreGlad you had a pleasant ride to Burlington - did you take a dip in Lake Champlain to cool off?
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2 years ago