Day 33....Pismo Beach to Gaviota SP - Rick's Solo Canada to Mexico Adventure - CycleBlaze

October 22, 2018

Day 33....Pismo Beach to Gaviota SP

Jill and her friend/guitar player Russell. Russell is great guy.
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Jill and me as I'm leaving Pismo Beach this morning.
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This day started out with a few miles through Pismo Beach, Grover Beach and Oceano on the coast then turned inland through mostly nondescript farm country on the way to my destination in Lompoc, a campground about 45 miles away. A very nice sunny day so I am taking my time and stop about 10 miles from Lompoc on the side of the road to eat at about 2:30. I called the campground in Lompoc to confirm directions and was told it is closed for repairs. 

So now instead of a leisurely 10 mile ride I now have 32 miles to the next campground at Gaviota State Park. So I kicked it in to a higher gear and readjusted mentally to having 32 instead of 10 miles left. I did get there before dark and the last 5 miles were all downhill because the park is on the coast at sea level. The park also sits in a valley surrounded by hills. This creates a wind tunnel effect which I found it later this park is known for. 

The wind howled all night and I had serious doubts if my tent would hold but it did. It had to be blowing 25-30 mph with gusts of 40 or more. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep.

The first part of the day there really weren't any great picture opportunities and the second part of the day I didn't want to take the time.

Today's ride: 67 miles (108 km)
Total: 1,481 miles (2,383 km)

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