Katwijk to Heemskerk, Nature Kamp de Berenweide: Great ride and idyllic camping - Riding In My Grandfather's WW1 Footsteps - CycleBlaze

August 12, 2016

Katwijk to Heemskerk, Nature Kamp de Berenweide: Great ride and idyllic camping

The rain finally stopped at 1 in the morning and the wind howled for the rest of the night. The good thing is that the wind completely dried our tent. Yeah! The sound of the wind was deafening and our tent twisted and snapped as a result, but it held strong and we were dry inside.

It was a revelation to start riding and to appreciate what a beautiful place we are in. The beach and dunes stretched for miles, and Katwijk is indeed a lovely seaside town with the best waterfront real estate filled with local's homes instead of tourist shops.

As we rode through the Dunes National Park, we were impressed by its vast beauty and the paved cycle path which went through the middle of it. Walking and horse paths crisscross the dunes as well. Soon, we passed through Noordwijk and then Zandvoort (feels a bit special to ME as the name perhaps has roots for her maiden name of Sandford). It was too tempting to resist enjoying fresh fish from a vendor atop the dunes overlooking the surf below. Wind surfers were taking advantage of the wind. It was quite a sight. Thankfully for us, the wind continues to be a tailwind - a cyclist's best friend in Holland.

We rode through the Zuid Kennemerland National Park on the western perimeter of Haarlem. This was quite a surprise. The dunes were replaced with rolling terrain through forest and dunes. It was great fun to ride. The only bad part - and it was bad!...was the succession of impassable gates. We were able to unload our panniers and trailer and walk them through. But we felt badly for families with young children as their cargo bikes and trailers were too large. Very frustrating to have this kind of barrier on an LF route.

Another free ferry ride from IJmuiden to Velsen Noord positioned us nicely for a detour to Heemskerk and the Nature Kamp de Berenweide. This camp is a wonderful camp to seek out - it is only a few km off the trail. The amenities are top notch and the arrangement of sites is on several small fields surrounded by trees with each tent having its own designated (large) area with a picnic table. Set in farm country, we appreciated the natural beauty of its locale, but mostly we loved the quiet atmosphere.

Today was an exceptional day of riding - beautiful landscapes, good routing with exceptional infrastructure, interesting towns and ideal camping. We are so enjoying Holland.

Barry had rotisserie chicken with chips and salad.
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Mary Ellen had local fish and chips for dinner. Camp cooking is good, but this was a treat on a rainy day.
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After a day and night in the tent, we decided that it would be good to try the restaurant at the campground. We really enjoyed it.
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Charmaine RuppoltNice the campground had a restaurant! :)
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9 months ago
Almost ready to go - just checking the route before taking down the tent.
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Camping at Katwijk - a really good store, restaurant, office and kids play room - but no place for tenters to take shelter during the rain. We guess that this is because most campers are in trailers - only a few tent spaces.
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Only two tents stayed through the storm...and they are both Hillebergs!
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This Dutch woman is camping in the trailer behind us. She had been waiting to talk with us as she saw that we were from Canada. Her sister had toured Canada after the war and she played with a musical group entertaining troops that had been in Holland.
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This wonderful lady spoke no English, and our Dutch is pitiful - we somehow made it work and laughed lots. She had an infectious joyful energy.
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Yesterday, there wasn't a kid in sight - but today, when the rains stopped, out they came. Great organized activities for children at this (and most) Dutch campgrounds. These Dutch kids are tough, they are doing the potato sack race, but all of the sacks are sewn together - if one falls, they all fall!
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We're on our way - De Zuidduinen camping at Katwijk - very good recommendation from Peter and Cees. Thanks!
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Horses are a big part of Dutch life and we see them often on the trail.
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As we leave Katwijk, we enter the first of the Dunes Recreation Areas.
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Only a short way is gravel - most is paved.
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Before we know it, we are Noordwijk. We had planned to camp here, but we chose Katwijk instead. It was a good decision as it is a quieter, less touristic place and more family oriented.
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It is hard to capture the beauty of the dunes in a photograph, but it is memorable and full of wildlife.
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We have changed regions from South to North Holland.
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Suddenly, as we were riding, we felt this presence and we looked up. There was a herd of these magnificent deer. We have been told that there has been a resurgence of these deer and villages and home owners are frustrated as the deer are eating their plants. We can relate to this as our home of Saltspring Island has a huge population of deer who roam freely and see our gardens as their personal buffet.
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These deer have such vibrant colouring and outstanding antlers.
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And then, for another bit of wildlife - a fellow recumbent rider - an endangered species. This man is from Germany and was very proud of his HP Sprint with a motor.
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We are following LF1 route, one of the Dutch long distance routes. Zandvoot....Sandford..maybe a connection?
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Great conditions for surfing and wind surfing - an incredible wind along this coastline.
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We enjoyed fresh seafood on the bluff from a fish van.
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Barry had fresh local whitefish, potato salad, coleslaw and a roll.
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This crow was keeping watch for any crumbs. Crows have interesting colouration here.
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And the gull was positioned on top of the fish seller's van - the crow and gull shared the spoils of this lunch spot.
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These gates through the National Forest were beyond frustrating. It looks not too bad in the picture, but the angles make it difficult. Barry tried to help a father lift their cargo bike (for their children) but it was too heavy.
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This portion of the trip will give us lots of practice loading and unloading our bike/trailer.
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This is the North Sea route - much better and more interesting than we had thought it would be.
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This family had to give up and go back to Haarlem. The route was not conducive to their set up on their bikes for their young family.
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Arriving at the ferry to cross the canal - one car and dozens of bikes!
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The ferry is free as it is an extension of the road - what a concept! British Columbia could learn from this philosophy.
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Camping at the Nature Kamp - very nice spot.
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Today's ride: 62 km (39 miles)
Total: 2,253 km (1,399 miles)

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