Takin' it easy - Garfield and Tango Travel the Long and Winding Road - CycleBlaze

June 5, 2022

Takin' it easy

Washington DC

It was another beautiful day but it didn't end up working out the way I had hoped. Don's knee was feeling good and we thought we would go to a dance tonight. So we took the day off - sort of - and did laundry, bike and trailer chores. 

I was partially dressed for the dance when Don told me that his stomach hurt and he just didn't want to go tonight. We also are planning a long bike ride tomorrow so he didn't want to push the dance and not be able to ride. 

That was such a downer as I'd been looking forward to dancing. Had I known that this morning, then I would have taken my own ride. But I understood - that's just the way it goes. At least we have other days we can dance while we are here. This is our last week in DC, so we're trying to squeeze in lots of activities. 

Our campground has lots of perks, including this mobile propane tank refill service. They come to you!
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