If you get all tangled up, just tango on - Garfield and Tango Travel the Long and Winding Road - CycleBlaze

April 30, 2022

If you get all tangled up, just tango on

Tallahassee dance day

Just another slow day in the Lowcountry. Since we're dancing again tonight, we spent the day puttering around the trailer. 

Don started cleaning the yellow pollen off of the windows where it had collected during our time in Georgia. He also wiped the screens with a permethrin insecticide that's supposed to deter the tiny no-seeums from coming inside. 

Other than a quick shopping trip at another grocery store, we didn't go anywhere until evening. After dinner, we drove into Charleston to attend a USA dance that was held at a local studio. 

They had a good floor and a DJ providing music but we sure are missing the live big band from Tallahassee! No matter, the guy played a decent mix of songs so we were able to do all of the dances like tango and foxtrot that we missed at the Elks. 

Since the dance didn't start until 8:30, it ended up being a pretty late night by the time we headed back to the campground. But we did enjoy talking to a couple that had moved here from Denver who had gone to the same dancing venues we attend while at home. Since this studio has dances here every Saturday, we'll likely be back next week. 

Bill - We need some help here. Despite a good bird book, we can't ID this bird. We're leaning toward a female or juvenile painted bunting. But I also thought it might be a type of warbler but we've seen no male warblers.
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Bill ShaneyfeltFrom what I can find, I agree with juvenile painted bunting.

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2 years ago
Campground humor!
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We've gone Southern! We saw this gold rice and grits for sale at the Charleston market but found we could buy it cheaper on-line directly from the grower/producer. The rice is a unique variety that's only grown in South Carolina at the Charleston Plantation.
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The campground store sold this book which has a lot of great recipes to try.
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Our dance venue at Ballroom Charleston tonight was a nice facility. This was a class in West Coast Swing that they were teaching before the dance.
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Creepy looking owl at the entrance to our campground.
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