The Big Plan - Bumbling in Basilicata, Putzing in Puglia - CycleBlaze

May 6, 2023

The Big Plan

Today's the Day

After months of preparation, we are on our way to Italy for another adventure on our Bike Fridays. We have lost count of how many cycle tours we have been on but we think this might be #17. The rewards are just so rich that we will continue doing it as long as we have the good fortune and ability.

Children Get Older, Dogs do Too

As usual, leaving our sweet little Jack Russell is a concern. She is now 13 yrs old and has many established routines and habits. It seemed only right to have someone come and stay with her, so that’s what we are doing. We used Trusted Housesitters to find a pet sitter. Tashi took to him right away on her first meet and greet yesterday and today, she was nonplussed with Liam at her side as we said our goodbyes.

...see you later, little one and please don’t eat the carrots 🥕 🥕.
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The Knee Bone’s Connected to the Shin Bone

We have been telling friends we are cycling in Puglia but it will be much more than Puglia. That name just happens to be the most familiar of the southern Italy provinces. A much better way of explaining where we are headed has been the anatomic description, which goes like this: we are starting about half way down the shin and will cycle down towards the forefoot but before reaching the toe, we cross the arch and ride down to the tip of the heel. From there we cycle up the back of the boot and around the spur, at which point we return to the shin, where it all began.

Where we are Really Going

Now that you are oriented to the general vicinity, here is where we are really going to ride. We start in Campania (Naples) and cycle down the west coast, entering Basilicata along the way. Then we head east through the mountains of Basilicata all the way to Puglia, which lies along the eastern flank of the boot. We will ride to the most southerly point in Puglia and then head up the east coast till we are roughly even with Naples. From there we head west and return to Naples. Altogether we are expecting about 1700km over a span of 35 days.

Here is the map version of the planned route. Speaking of planning, this is the most carefully planned itinerary we have ever had. We usually pre-book the first and the last night then book accommodation day-by-day. This gives us the freedom to go whichever way we choose and make up the tour as we go. We always have a general idea of where we will go, but leave room for unexpected surprises.

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Scott AndersonNice overview map (and nice itinerary!). How did you produce it? It’s a nice touch having the names of the layovers displayed.
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1 year ago
Rachael AndersonLooks like a great tour!
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1 year ago
Anne MathersTo Scott AndersonI think I just used Preview on my mac book pro after exporting the image (it might have just been a screenshot).
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1 year ago

This year, the planning took a turn when I came to the realization that a) the arch of the boot can not be traversed on 2 wheels and b) the remote places we would be travelling through in order to traverse the arch do not offer accommodation for travellers. Nada...nowhere to stay a long the routes I had chosen in Basilicata. At least, that is what I concluded as I scoured the internet for hours on end. It’s not that they were ‘foooly booked’. Nope. Nowhere for a visitor to lay their head. 

It remains a mystery. Maybe there are actually places to stay but it was a risk we did not wish to entertain. That was when my planning went into overdrive and I began plotting out our daily routes. I left some wiggle room in the Puglia segment for us to pick and choose our routes and destinations. For this section, we will book as we go. So, what you see in this map is pretty much, but not exactly, how the tour will roll out. Time will tell how well I did in planning the route.

Bike Friday’s

This past winter, David sourced new Bike Friday frames and all the necessary parts and set about assembling two spanking new Bike Friday's. This means that our old Friday NWT’S can retire after 22 years of active duty. bike Friday built our new frames based on our road bike dimensions so these new bikes fit us like gloves. We have trained on them and are now looking forward to loading them up with our panniers to explore the land of pizza and limoncello.

My new Friday with disc brakes and 11-cog rear cluster.
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Mike AylingGreat colour!
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1 year ago
Scott AndersonAnd new paint! Beautiful!
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1 year ago
Anne MathersTo Scott AndersonNot sure if this is a new colour for BF, but it really is gorgeous. I love it.
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1 year ago
Anne MathersTo Mike AylingI was happy to see this colour when we were selecting the paint for our frames. David’s is a dark blue, also with a silver fleck in the paint.
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1 year ago
Liam RourkeSweet! Did you use the Friday's on the trainer over the winter??
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1 year ago
David MathersTo Liam RourkeWe rode the Fridays on the roads. Indoor training was on our Cervelos. So, more training in the Cervelos at the start of the year and more on the Fridays towards the end.
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1 year ago
Scott FenwickImpressive David. You are not just a pretty face! Nice wrenching on your part I presume?
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1 year ago

Check, Check... and Check

The final days of prep for such a tour are a whirlwind as we make lists, both on paper and in our heads. Crossing them off, crumbling them up and tossing them in the recycle bin gives great satisfaction. One thing we don’t make lists for though is our clothes as it’s a very small list: two bike shorts, three jerseys, two pairs of cycle gloves, three t-shirts, two pairs of shorts, one wind jacket, one light rain jacket, lightweight booties, socks and underwear and a laundry bag with soap. Throw in the chamois butter, sunscreen, shampoo, tooth brush and toothpaste, a pair of sandals and the charging cables and all that remains is the rear panniers, which will also travel in the carry on luggage. 

First Things First

We usually fly out the day we leave home, by this year is a little different. As the travel industry recovers from covid, travel plans can be snagged by inadequate staffing to bad weather to mechanical issues. Or, how about this one? A baggage cart driver drove into the side of the plane and damaged it! Truly, too many things can get in the way so to be sure we are on that plane when it lifts off tomorrow, we have booked into a hotel not far from YVR.  It feels surreal but we are all set and ready for takeoff. Tomorrow, all we have to do is shuttle to the airport and breathe in the airport air. And hope that baggage cart driver has been re-assigned. Maybe then, it will soak in and feel real.

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Patrick O'HaraHello Anne and David. Hope travel goes well for you both. Looking forward to following along!
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1 year ago
Scott AndersonI’ve been a bit envious of your getting to see some of the Giro as a part of this. However, Patrick just let us know that we get the first shot. Stage three comes through Termoli tomorrow! I guess we have a new plan for the day.
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1 year ago
Jacquie GaudetSounds fantastic! I hope you have good weather for your trip.
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1 year ago
Barbara HarrisonBuon viaggio! Have a wonderful time.
Wynn + Barb
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
Liz ReadingHi Anne and David, I look forward to following your adventure! Good to know about trusted house sitters as I have been contemplating that service. I look forward to hearing more on how that went when you are back. I am also interested in how you find Naples. I've done a.lot of reading about the city over the years and it is not highly rated. Can't wait to see some of you wonderful photos too!
Happy cycling!
Liz R
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1 year ago
Janice BranhamI'm impressed by your minimalist packing discipline. You have me eyeing my bags critically. Looking forward to following your travels on those sleek new rides.
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1 year ago
Anne MathersTo Scott AndersonI see they passed through Termoli not long ago. We are nestled in our Napoli B&B right now, watching them ride through the San Severo - Foggia area. It’s fantastic to see it live on TV.
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1 year ago
Anne MathersTo Janice BranhamI really dislike taking items that only get worn a few times so I ask myself, does this warrant the effort to carry it for the next 5 weeks? I know I will be thankful to have the extra capacity to carry water.
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1 year ago
Anne MathersTo Liz ReadingIt is a very old city of course, and we are looking forward to sampling the pizza and soaking up the character of the place. It’s raining on arrival, which I see as a good way to clean the streets and the air. Can’t wait to see it in the sunshine.
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1 year ago
Anne MathersTo Barbara HarrisonGracie mille, Barb.
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1 year ago