Old timber houses - Fjords and the Midnight Sun - CycleBlaze

Old timber houses

The hostel owner advises me to visit the nearby outdoor museum of old timber houses and I set off to find it at about 11 after waking late and using the wi-fi.

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There's a Stave church that dates back to 1168. The pews are decorated and it's dark inside and flash isn't allowed, so instead I snap the ironmongery of the doors outside. I look around some of the other houses on the site and then set off south. 

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At 4pm I stop for a sandwich and ride a total of 90km before getting to a remote no-name sort of place with a swish hotel, which sets me back 690 krone. A record. 

It's very nice, as is the meal I eat there while sitting outside in the balmy early evening sun.

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Today's ride: 50 km (31 miles)
Total: 1,208 km (750 miles)

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