Pernes to Bedoin - Midtsommer - Mediterranean to the Fjords - CycleBlaze

May 22, 2023

Pernes to Bedoin

The sun is shining this morning, the first time in five days. 

Today is about getting into position to climb Mount Ventoux.  It looks like tomorrow is the day as there is a morning window of about six hours with sunshine and low winds to climb and get back down before the rain arrives.  We were excited as we headed off to Bedoin this morning under blue skies and on a rail trail for the first five km to Carpentras.  From there, secondary roads took us to Bedoin.  The elevation gain is 300 metres and it's only a 28km ride total.   As we arrived in town at 12:30, there was a clap of thunder from the huge black cloud hanging over the top of Ventoux.  It was market day and stall owners were rushing to close up as customers scurried for cover.  

Even in the rain, Bedoin  is hopping, the cafes and restaurants are busy and there are cyclists everywhere; it feels like Mallorca.  The rain shower is already letting up but we found cover in front of the public arts center and break out the lunch we made last night.  When the rain passes we cycle the 500 meters to another great municipal campground, with its super clean sanitaires, the tent spaces on the side of a hill with beautiful pine trees for shade and away from the field full of RVs.   

Steve's excited and already starting to pack the one small pannier he is taking up the mountain tomorrow.  We are leaving our camping gear and most of our stuff here in the tent and we will travel with the bare necessities, our credit cards and one small, front panier each.  After hauling full panniers up Tourmalet in the Pyrenees, we are looking forward to very little weight on the bikes.  We've been warned that tomorrow's ascent is going to be tough.  There are three routes up Ventoux and the one from Bedoin is the most difficult ascent.  But if we don't do it now, we never will!

Our first unobstructed view of Mt Ventoux with afternoon clouds starting to build
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We passed these laden cherry trees that seemed un-tended.
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These fully ripe cherries were the best I have ever tasted, but were probably too ripe to be picked and transported anywhere. Lucky for us to pick and and eat on the spot.
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Coming into Bedoin
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Making supper and re-arranging the luggage. How much of this can we leave behind?
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Today's ride: 28 km (17 miles)
Total: 1,197 km (743 miles)

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Susan CarpenterGood luck tomorrow and have fun - it should be epic!
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1 year ago
Scott AndersonVentoux from Bedoin!! Good luck with the weather!
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1 year ago
Scott FenwickFingers crossed for a nice day. It is a beast of a climb but you two can do it! Good luck. Looking forward to reading all about it.
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1 year ago
ann and steve maher-wearyThanks Scott, really enjoying following your trip. We might make it to Italy next year, so reading with much interest.
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1 year ago