Laxvik to Falkenberg - Midtsommer - Mediterranean to the Fjords - CycleBlaze

June 26, 2023 to June 27, 2023

Laxvik to Falkenberg

The loud industriousness at the campground had us up early and on our way by 8:30am, which meant we got in a couple hours of cycling in the cooler part of the day.  We also wanted to get an early start so we could be under cover before the thunderstorms forecast for 3pm.  The ride was much like the day before, some coast, some woodland, some beach towns and lots of farmland.  Today, however, was much easier as we had the wind behind us helping us 'sail' along.  The scenery is quite like Canada, only tidier, with many of the same plants and crops, a similar seashore and the newer houses and cottages reminiscent of what we see in New Brunswick.

Today we finally got in for our first swim in the body of water that gives our cycle trail its name, the Kattegat, which is a very wide strait or a small sea, linking the Baltic and North seas.  By 1pm we were hot and came upon a perfect little bay with a place to park the bikes visible from the water and a corner to change into swimsuits that was not too visible.  Like our favourite, Youghall Beach in New Brunswick, this beach had sandbars that slowed the flow and heated the water making for pleasantly cool swimming.  Feeling refreshed, we continued on, leaving the Kattegattleden trail, but staying on super bike paths all the way into Falkenberg, coming onto the road just half a block from the mini apartment we had booked.  We have found a few of this type of place on Bookings: a single unit with its own kitchen and bathroom, built onto the back of the house or garage in a residential area.  This one had a washing machine and a box of wine in the fridge, and we just had time to get groceries before the intense rainstorm hit.  It's going to rain again most of tomorrow, so we will stay put, catch up on laundry, blog writing, waterproofing the tent and planning the next phase into Norway.

Iron Age burial mounds
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Swedish Air Force 1957 Saab 32 Lansen, which looks so much like the Canadian F86 Sabre that my father flew around the same time.
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A rare, stone barn. Most are wood, painted red.
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Coming into Falkenberg.
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Much of the bike trail was beside the road today. Separate enough to feel safe, but close enough to be loud.
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How did this tree get to have this shape?
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Remains of a decorated "Maypole" from the MidSommer festival earlier this week.
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Typical red barn
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Our swimming beach
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Sandbars make shallow troughs, keeping the water warm.
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So many Volvos in Sweden, bringing on feelings of envy and nostalgia for our old V70 wagon
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Patrick O'HaraSue and I also had a V70 wagon. Loved it.
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11 months ago
Every day we see a half dozen or so cross country ski trainers.
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This looks like a fish ladder?
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Today's ride: 63 km (39 miles)
Total: 2,723 km (1,691 miles)

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