Ahhhh. Blinman - 3 old blokes tackle the Mawson Trail - CycleBlaze

April 25, 2021

Ahhhh. Blinman

Rawnsley Park Station to Blinman

Our last day! It really has gone quickly. I am definitely looking forward to my bed at the Blinman Hotel tonight, but there’s still a bit of cycling to be done. I slept pretty well last night although I was giggling to my self over the shenanigans that happened yesterday evening on the site next to us. Two 30 something women were trying to reverse their caravan into a rather generous site. One was outside directing and the other was getting increasingly frustrated and angry as her repeated attempts ended in a jack knifed caravan.

On her eighth unsuccessful attempt the lady directing was trying to be encouraging. “That was much better than the last  7 attempts”. Then followed a barrage of expletives. After they finally got the caravan on the intended location her sucky friend said “You know you’ve got a spirit level brain”. I think she meant it as a compliment meaning she got the van really level but her friend completely lost it . We found it highly amusing.

The moon rising at Rawnsley Park
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Cherie LangleySuch a great photo - absolutely gorgeous 💗
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3 years ago
Deleted AccountAbsolutely agree!
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3 years ago
Just love the gums
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We treated ourselves to bacon and eggs and got cracking early as we’ve got our biggest cycling day in front of us. We were straight into gnarly single track and a multitude of riverbed crossings. Steve was hooting’ and hollerin’ as he was in his element on his mountain bike. Me not as enthused on my gravel bike as I was on and off my steed at regular intervals.

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We have our warmest day of the whole trip and perfectly clear blue skies. Our bush bashing goes for about 15ks as we skirt around Wilpena Pound until we eventually hit the tarmac of Flinders Ranges Way. We meet Pete there and have a quick spin for 8ks before turning off again onto more sandy tracks until we reached Wilpena. Apart from a massive tourist information centre and supermarket there doesn’t seem to be anything else but they did make a decent coffee.

I know I’ve got a bad sense of direction, but...........
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After Wilpena we headed off on more dodgy tracks, ending up riding through Bunyaroo gorge and then up and over Bulls Gap, where Pete was waiting with lunch. Unsurprisingly we had salad sandwiches, but the highlight was the avocado I bought in Adelaide 2 weeks ago which was rock hard had finally softened enough for us to eat today. Just like a fine wine. I thought the track would take us up onto the ridge so we’d get a glimpse into Wilpena Pound, but we didn’t. Here’s what we missed.

Pretty amazing!
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It was on the Trezona Track after lunch riding through the ABC Range that I had my first flat not long after I told Steve that we’d broken the back of today’s ride. There was sealant spurting out everywhere so I had to put in a tube which slowed us down even more. That 16 k stretch took almost 3 hours with so many creek crossings that were unridable.

Steve wouldn’t lend me his mountain bike
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Even a mountain bike didn’t work here
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Thankfully the last 18ks into Blinman was on tarmac. I assured Steve and Pete that the last 10ks were downhill, but as more hills loomed my credibility was waning, and as we limped into town, the sign proudly proclaimed ‘Blinman, South Australia’s highest town’. We made it to the Blinman Hotel just as the sun was setting.

Obligatory photo number 4
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The last Mawson Trail sign is on the verandah post pointing straight into the bar. Being completionists we did exactly as we were told.
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We’ve had a great trip. The weather gods smiled on us and we’re all still friends so that’s a plus!

Thanks for reading!

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Today's ride: 92 km (57 miles)
Total: 961 km (597 miles)

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Deleted AccountGreat trip and journal, well done guys
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3 years ago
Brianna DallGreat read, well.done 😃
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3 years ago
judy coxTo Deleted AccountThanks for sharing your trip with us. We oldies have to stay put now most of the time!
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3 years ago
Glenys RoperWhat an amazing trip. There were certainly a lot of gnarly parts. Rawnsley is beautiful. Stayed there once but in their luxury accommodation! A friend is setting out tomorrow for the Mawson Trail so I'll get to see/read a double dose in pics and comments. Really enjoyed your dialogue. Work will seem soooo boring next week
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3 years ago