Day 37 Basswood Inn and RV Park to Atchinson KS - Still 8 years old in my brain - CycleBlaze

June 17, 2023

Day 37 Basswood Inn and RV Park to Atchinson KS

As always, I never get going as early as intended. Wahoo says I left at 6:59 but I clearly remember it being closer to 7:30. I guess 6:59 was when I loaded my route; then I found a myriad of things that needed to be done. I was hoping to make it to Atchinson and then do part of the route to Seneca as I don’t think I can handle over 70 miles in the newly changed saddle. Shortly after leaving the campground I encountered, you guessed it, more hills! These were somewhat challenging but rarely necessitated using the small chain ring. 

Plate City was about 6 miles away, your typical small town with angled parking on the main drag. 

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Platte County Courthouse
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Nice old buildings; looks like they’re opening a wine and spirits store soon
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I tell myself the hills are just training for the Rockies, kind of like running intervals prepare you for a longer race. 

Some climbs offered expansive views
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Entering Weston, there was a hill, in Weston there was a nasty hill, and leaving Weston there was, of course, a hill. Then mercifully the land flattened out. Good old river bottom. You could play marbles here. 

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Approaching the bridge, I was surprised that Kansas started on the eastern side of the river, not in the middle.
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Bridge over the Missouri River
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I think this is the last crossing of the Missouri
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I noticed that on some of the hills that my gears were starting to slip again. I suppose after 1300 miles they might need some adjustment. Thinking ahead to where the route will be going, I worried that bike shops would be nonexistent so I called the bike shop listed on my map service directory. Gary “Mac” MacGregor answered and when I explained my predicament and that I was on a cross country ride, he said he would meet me at the park by the river. He explained that his shop was a casualty of Covid. He took me and the bike to his house where he has a bike stand, noted the chain was still good but getting somewhat near to the point of replacement and recommended that the cassette be replaced at that time. He felt the derailer didn’t need adjustment and went over all the possibilities that could be causing the problem. Mac lubed the chain and cleaned it with a rag. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve been wiping my chain with paper towels as I forgot to pack rags. It looks much better. Oh, and he gave me some rags to boot. Tomorrow is a rest day and Father’s Day so I’ll see how it goes on Monday. 
Meeting Mac and his wife was the highlight of this trip. Mac has done many things in his life, from building houses (he designed and built his own house too) to teaching automotive mechanics as well as wood shop at the high school to owning a bicycle shop. I would’ve loved to hang out with him in his shop as he is a natural teacher (and I sure could use one when it comes to bike repair). But one of the most remarkable things about this gentleman is that he was an avid cyclist and was racing up till a couple years ago. AND he’s 88 years old. He was signed up to compete in Wisconsin last year but they changed the course to a hilly one so he withdrew. He showed me his many bikes especially his beloved Waterford. 

His wife Becky radiates kindness. She too had done many things in her life and ultimately was a respiratory therapist. She gave me a copy of a book she wrote as a momento of our visit, a true yet sweet story about how she saved five orphaned bunnies and ultimately returned them to the wild. 

Becky and Mac MacGregor
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Julie O’NeillHow great that your trip includes meeting lovely people like the MacGregors!
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10 months ago
Susan WelchI loved this post Sandy! (Reading lots at once - the times been flying! Can’t believe I let so many days go by….) These folks sound very special….
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10 months ago
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Peter picked me up and we were half way back to the campground when Mac called and said I had left my helmet in his truck. I think it needs to be permanently attached to my head. 

I didn’t make a lot of progress distance-wise today but overall it was a memorable day. Life is good. 

Today's ride: 32 miles (51 km)
Total: 1,406 miles (2,263 km)

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Charmaine RuppoltFunny you keep forgetting your helmet! But good that you are able to be reunited each time! :)
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5 months ago