Day 1 - 16 Little Ducklings - Floating Across The Netherlands - Tandem Tour - July 2022 - CycleBlaze

July 2, 2022

Day 1 - 16 Little Ducklings

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We feasted at the over-the-top hotel breakfast again, planning to skip lunch since we had to get onto the boat between 1 and 2 PM.   We pushed our checkout time to 11:30 and wandered slowly over to where the boat was docked.  After sitting nearby on a park bench for a while, we saw some other people get onto the boat.  Sure enough, they were ready for us!

We hoisted the bike onto the boat and the ride leader helped us find a place to store it.  I didn’t even realize there was going to be a ride leader!   I should have read the brochure more carefully I guess.

The boat is really nice, with lots of space on the deck and a large dining area.  We were even surprised by the size of our cabin!   Big enough that we could store everything pretty easily.

Nice cabin!
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Karen PoretStorage under the beds are more than ample! Then you have a “closet” at the foot of the bed (on right side)..We found a trick to handle the bathroom items was a suction cup vinyl and plastic shelf from HEMA.. ( HEMA is the Netherlands version of Target)
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4 months ago

After some milling around and meeting other people on the tour, the boat pulled away from the dock and we were on our way to Weesp, the first stop.

Leaving Amsterdam harbor
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En route to Weesp, we learned that on today’s ride, we would be expected to ride with the group, following the ride leader.  Definitely not our usual touring style.

After about an hour and a half, the barge pulled up to a lovely tree-shaded mooring in Weesp and we started preparing for the ride.

Getting ready to go
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And off we went!  16 little ducklings following Simon, our ride leader.

Our first windmill
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The riding was very easy, the pace slow, and the countryside was beautiful.  We quacked along happily behind all the other folks on their e-bikes.  We’re the only tandem, and the only ones who brought their own bike.

Quack, quack
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After the ride, dinner was served on the boat, and then Simon led a walk back into town.  The late-evening light was magical.

Drawbridge, Weesp
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Old sailing vessel, Weesp
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Windmills, Weesp
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Heading back to the barge
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It’s great to finally be on the boat and great that the bike is working well.  No more stress - the vacation is really going to happen!

We’re feeling very relaxed after a fun but unchallenging day.  Tomorrow we’ll ride on our own.  


Today's ride: 12 km (7 miles)
Total: 50 km (31 miles)

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Rachael AndersonBeautiful photos! I’ll bet you will be glad to ride on your own tomorrow.
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1 year ago