W5: 广海 - A China Coddiwomple - CycleBlaze

August 25, 2022

W5: 广海

A couple months back, when I had my first day that was unequivocally a 'work break', I asked the question of whether W stood for work or for weather.

The already more than 2,000 characters I've translated on the origins of the Yuan Dynasty would seem to indicate that today is a work day. The fact of my taking a whole 7 seconds¹ to respond to my editor at the Journal of Chinese Humanities when he offered me the task is indicative of a typhoon going on outside my window and, after the scary bit yesterday evening when a errant tentacle of the not yet arrived storm nearly blew me off the road, my having nothing else to do but sit in the hotel and wait for the weather to stop.

I also did a lot of intermittent napping interspersed with dried fruit and other "not going out in this weather" food supplies.

¹ our conversation has timestamps

Today's ride: 1 km (1 miles)
Total: 4,255 km (2,642 miles)

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