Introduction - It's Italy not Macedonia. Oh well. (2015) - CycleBlaze


This was supposed to be a trip to Macedonia - but my partner got a new job which involved enrolling in a Masters degree (a good thing) and he was unable to take leave one month after starting (fair enough but a crap thing). Macedonia was supposed to be the chance to have a holiday and get over jet lag before the main event - Le Giornate del Cinema Muto - a week-long festival dedicated to silent films. The festival is in Pordenone, north-east of Venice, and after considering some other options (including around Toulouse after reading Leo's article on nice touring ideas in France), I came around to the idea of wandering northern Italy in order to cut down on travel days. Getting to and from Australia is enough pain.

Although I am cycling on this trip, I am also sightseeing. As a result many of the cycling days will be short enough to see and do things in the afternoon.

This is also the first time touring on my new Tern s27h. After a month with the LHTs in Sri Lanka at Christmas and as a result of thinking about Macedonia for 2 weeks in September, folding bikes and suitcases seemed an attractive option. Easier on public transport if needed, and easier getting in and around airports with no large boxes. Did some research and bought the bikes. Thankfully prior to the tanking of the Australian dollar. Prices are already $500 higher since January. The bike is great so far except for one really disappointing fact - I have not been able to find suitcase (yet??) into which it fits. So for this trip I have used a Tern Stowbag which is not ideal. At the end of the tour I plan to say more about the bike. But so far it's a good ride.

Lastly, as I subtly hinted in the title to this journal, I really needed to have a proper break from my PhD. The distraction (and meditation) of a long bike ride seems just the ticket.

This journal was a bit of an afterthought. I guess a bonus of travelling on my own is the need for something to do off the bike... However, as I don't have the correct technology to copy photos from my camera to the tablet, there will be no photos unless I get access to a real computer at some point and can add them. Worst case, I will add them when I get home.

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Mike AylingG'day Catherine
We use Nikon point and shoot cameras and Nikon has an app called snapbridge which transfers from the camera to tablet using wifi.
I suspect that other camera manufacturers would have similar apps.

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6 years ago
Catherine HastingsHi Mike,
The camera on this trip was the first generation Fuji X100 - which at that stage did not have wifi. I think the more recent cameras do! In future it would make life heaps easier. Thanks for looking at the journal.
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6 years ago