Day 9 (first 'zero day'): Audio story: What do you think about when riding all day? And taking stock of the first week. - Chris Cross America - CycleBlaze

May 1, 2022

Day 9 (first 'zero day'): Audio story: What do you think about when riding all day? And taking stock of the first week.

Hello, dear readers, today I've got a little more time because I'm taking a "zero day," so I'm trying something new to me: an audio story. Thank you to Qudsiya, a friend through the Metro Washington Association of Blind Athletes, for the enticing idea. Here goes nothing!

I actually can't figure out an easy way to get an audio player embedded into this blog post, so here's a link: Click here to jump to the audio file!

There are two partial thoughts that I forgot to mention in the audio recording:

First, yes, since I am alone all day long, I have a much greater appreciation for the opportunities to hang out with other people at hostels or Warmshowers stays. I  surprised myself by actively looking for hikers to talk to and have dinner with when staying in Damascus today. I still enjoy having plenty of time to myself, but even for a loner, I still need some time to socialize.

Second, I've been enjoying writing this blog — I haven't regularly written anything besides headlines in a long time, and I forgot that I used to like writing just for the fun of it — so while I'm riding, I do spend some time thinking about what to document at the end of the day and exactly how to phrase certain ideas in a way that I find most amusing. Then most of those ideas never make it into the blog because more interesting things happen afterward!

Day 9 stats

Starting, and ending, point: Damascus, Va. (Specifically, Lady Di's B&B)

The Daily Progress: ZERO!

I don't think I ever mentioned it on the blog, but I'm budgeting $100 a day. That's a little extravagant for a self-supporting bike tourist, but it feels good to me: It's forgiving enough that I can spend some money and tip well in the towns I stop in, but I have to be somewhat thoughtful about it. Today is the first day I'm blowing that budget, but I've come well under budget on all other days so far.

Lodging expenses: $50

Food expenses: $69 (two meals out, restocking food for the road, and a few odds and ends, including sunscreen)

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Shari MooreEnjoyed the audio. Loved your sign off.
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2 years ago
Chris GeorgeTo Shari MooreThanks! :-D
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2 years ago
Laila AzzouzLoved the audio, Chris. Keep safe.
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2 years ago