Day 28 - finally heading north again - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

May 28, 2023

Day 28 - finally heading north again

Having calmed at sunset, the wind began to howl once more in the wee hours, so much so that it woke me at 2.30 AM. 

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Graham SmithHi Ian
Breaking news on the Thorn bikes forum (and here on the CB forum) which might interest you. I quote:

“Rohloff-related Facebook groups are reporting the sad passing of Bernhard Rohloff, "father" of our beloved Speedhubs.

His family and "family" of employees must all be gutted and the magnitude of his loss will ripple through the entire industry.

Condolences to his loved ones and a final thanks to him for providing such joy to those of us who have used and enjoyed his inventions.

Godspeed, Bernie.“
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1 year ago
Ian WallisTo Graham SmithSad news. Most impressed with the Rohloff on my Thorn Nomad. Classic German engineering with that slightly noisy 7th gear as a reference point. I still have the cog from my 2011 trip - 19,000 km, 1 cog, 1 chain. Cogs are reversible so when the teeth bend you reverse the cog. My cog ended up with needle teeth that would suit a piranha.
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1 year ago

I was out early from my spot and heading north, but not for long. I stopped at Threeways for water and then decided that I'd benefit from a large plate of chips.

The first thing I saw upon leaving was a sign - it's a long way to Darwin but it was 1606 km as I left Mt Isa. Not much later I stared into Hayward Creek and saw a good school of fish. What were they?

Look up the distance and it's 960. Tax of 3% by the looks
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I was keen to get to Renner Springs today so it was head down and heading north. The highway is named for John McDouall Stuart who, in 1861-2 led the first expedition to traverse the continent from south to north and back. He was game, because a year earlier the Warumungu people had turned back the welcome mat at Attack Creek.

Funny how it's called "Attack Creek". What about "Defence Creek"?
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Graham SmithIan it’s Reconciliation Day long weekend here in one of the other Territories that Paul Hasluck was Minister of when he unveiled that very badly worded plaque in 1960.

That text really does need a complete re-write.
Victory Creek should be the new name.
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1 year ago

Remarkably, ten years later The Australian Overland Telegraph Line was built. Today they'd still be planning it!

I had lunch at Banka Banka, a famous old station, and made the most of the Telstra phone.

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Great place for lunch
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There were heaps of caravans at Banka. Kids were playing the round-ball game but came running when they saw me. I told them that they could do what I'm doing in a few years.

I discovered that it was not 50 but 62 km to Renner Springs. At 2.45, I had to move and did it barely stopping. Terrific scenery along the way.

There's a raptor sitting up there - top left.
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No doubting the remarkable timing of my ride
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I walked into the office at Renner Springs to get a camp-site.  The fellow said "you're on a bike it's free for you". That's $25 for indigo.

I had a fine chat with Peter and Kay from Adelaide. They've seen remarkable stuff and know why they're travelling. Good to hear.

Today's ride: 152 km (94 miles)
Total: 3,389 km (2,105 miles)

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Peter FoleyYes, it was a fine chat from our perspective as well: and inspiring. Peter and Kay.
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11 months ago
Ian WallisTo Peter FoleyPeter
Good hearing from you!
I meet a handful of people that I'd love to chat with for longer. They're people who always know why they are travelling. Ian
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11 months ago
Peter FoleyTo Ian WallisHope we fall into that category, albeit dreaded caravanners. Whipped through your tale from Canberra to actually reaching Darwin. Enjoyed your pics and observations. Look forward to Dili on. Best wishes.
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11 months ago
Ian WallisTo Peter FoleyPeter
You certainly fall into the category of people with whom I have much in common. But I'd like to think that we disagree on a few issues too.
I'm impressed that you're reading my blog. All the best on your travels. Ian
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11 months ago