Epernay - Day 1 (Revised) - The Fab 3 in France 2023 - CycleBlaze

June 11, 2023

Epernay - Day 1 (Revised)

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We are now four. Ryan has joined us for the last week of the trip with a few days of riding in the Champagne region and then on to Paris. This morning we wanted to go out and select Ryan some pastries. As this would be his first taste we had to make sure they were good ones. It took two attempts to find a boulangerie that passed the test.

Second boulangerie stop of the morning. The first supplied a pain aux chocolate that was not worth the calories so we had to search for another.
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So much sugar to choose from.
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The days supplies. Being Sunday we stocked up for the night.
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At the start I said we don't normally prebook because we like the flexibility to change. This trip we made it through 4 weeks before we succumb to impulse. At midnight last night as our B&B was still sweltering hot we had an emergency conference and decided that we did not like cities and we should cancel our B&B in Reims and stay in the country side around Epernay. We found an AirB&B in the old town of Ay, a smaller town near Epernay, and booked it for 3 night starting tomorrow. With that sorted it was now time to explore around Epernay.

Ryan grabbed a rental bike and we headed out along the bike path  running along the river Marne. I had seen a highlight just off the bike path in the town of Chantillion-sur-Marne so I set that as our turn around spot for the day. It including a nice climb up to the town which I thought would give us a nice view of the valley.

Canal bike path out of Epernay.
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More bike strolling path.
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Another photo op with a Rue de Madeleine
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To get in to town we had a very steep climb of about 15% and we were thankful we were unloaded today. We made it up the hill to the small town square and found a traveling fruit market next to the church. We stopped and stocked up on some delicious fruit and some of the best dates I have had. There was lots of pointing and laughing as items were selected and we ended up with an impressive pile. We bought so much fruit that the fruit monger mimed getting a large belly and did a lot of laughing. 

We continued the walk up to the statue of Pope Urban II and a great view over the valley. We found a shady seat to enjoy the view while working on that larger belly so we could show the fruit monger on the way back down.

Getting some natural sugar.
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Flowers on the way to the Pope.
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Pope Urban II.
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And then there were 4. Maddies husband Ryan has joined us.
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The popes view.
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On the way up to the Pope Maddie spotted a boulangerie and had to get a pan aux chocolate. On consumption it was voted one of the best, given a 9/10 ratting and elevated to requiring purchase of a second for the trip back down the hill.

Waiting for another pain aux chocolat.
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With another excellent ride through this very beautiful country side completed and enjoyed we got our fancy clothes on and headed to Avenue de Champagne. We had selected the gardens at  Perrier Jouet for an afternoon drink as they made Kathy's favorite Champagne.

Time for some relaxing at Perrier Jouet.
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We ordered a bottle of Rose and they bought it out in a green ice bucket with glasses that matched the bottle with pink flowers on them. Along with some snacks we seemed to all too quickly finish off the first bottle while enjoying the cool shade in the courtyard. 

After one bottle we decided that as Kathy and I would probable not be back here again we should order one of their better bottles. We placed our order and our waiter cleared the green ice bucket and replaced it with another bucket with coordinated glasses but when he turned up with the wine it was their standard blanc to blanc. We had wanted the vintage and so after explaining this he took everything away again bringing out a work of art holding our glasses, ice bucket and champagne. 

Kathys favorite Champagne so we had to have a bottle while here.
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Once he had the ice bucket on the table he gave us a lesson in how to use the glass holder and then did a great little show on opening the bottle and pouring us all a glass. The Champagne was a 2014 and a very nice way to finish our day and celebrate all the great days of riding we have had.

We got a 5 minute show while he set up the glass tree and explained the technique of getting the glasses on and off.
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Today's ride: 27 miles (43 km)
Total: 604 miles (972 km)

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Kirsten KaarsooA wonderful way to end an excellent cycling tour. One can never go wrong with bubbles. 🥂
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11 months ago